Friday, January 1, 2010

MG Strike Gundam + IWSP - Phase 04

The Paneling and Decalling .
This is the last sprint of this project and its probably the most exciting phase .
But nonetheless this is not the easiest phase . Hence the procrastination .
First, I wanted to use the lighter fluid + black enamel wash panelling technique but I just can't seem to get it to work ! Cleaning up the mess more than getting any progress .
Switched back to 0.3 mechanical pencil + 0.05 drawing pen in the end . And wife criticized that I didn't get the thickness even for the 2 thigh plates ! Yes my dear , I know my panel lining skill sucks . Damn those youtube clips makes it look so easy !
Anyway , Not much panel lines to be drawn for this kit as compared to my Wing 0 Custom since I decide to skip the beneath armor panel lines . Who would give a damn on how it looks within the armor anyway ? Those are probably for the perfectionist with really too much free time . I'm definitely not one of them , and not aspire to be one .

Finally putting the rocket pack together. I know its gonna be big, I've seen a couple of displays. But it seems different when you put it together yourself.

Of course I can't resist the temptation of putting the pack on to the Strike Gundam when I first have it together. But soon I begin to realize the truth about what has already been written by other bloggers who wrote the review for this kit. The Pack is heavy, abit too heavy for the robot balance if it were to stand on its feet with the pack on. I put it on the stand that comes with the kit, but since the connector of the robot to the stand is behind the butt , I was really worried that the ball joint between the upper and lower torso is not going to hold up long ! Solution ? I took them apart and place a bit of blu-tac in the socket ;P The stand still seem abit wobbly, probably should get the proper Gundam Action Base ?

The second nightmare, Bandai scratch-on decals! I have read from others some of the blunders with these decals but I still must complaint about it . Why Why Why Bandai want us to use these ?? With wet transfer decals, modellers has the luxury of slowly "pulling" the decal from its base paper to the kit surface , slowly adjust the decal to the correct position ( as long as the surface is wet ) then finally dry the sticker. Scratch-on ? You accidentally asserted force on the sticker to the surface? bye bye. You scratch half way the sticker accidentally slip? bye bye.

I painted the little knuckles on the hands gold.

Ok, more or less done.

The kit provide a couple of choices of the decals for the wings of the IWSP pack.

Decals on the shields. This is where the major disaster happens.

A close up face shot.

At this point the kit is finally left with a top coat and off it go to a photo shooting session next !

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