Thursday, December 23, 2010

No progress

Time really flies these days. Feels like I made my last post a week ago and now its Xmas 2 days later .
My Grand Mother passed away.
3 weeks ago.
Just last week we buried her ashes in my Grand Father's tomb and finally they are reunited .
I wasn't very close with my grand mother .
We don't live together and we had language barrier.
Yet her passing on is still a big deal to me. Enough to make me turn vegan for 2 weeks.
We all knew its inevitable. Stroke fell her 6 years ago.
She should have gone then. Yet her life force fights on.
Half the brain is dead . There is no way she could function as a normal human being any more .
Yet she lives on. Until 3 weeks ago.
Whether we like it , we bound to face death at some point .

For now, Gunpla might just not be important anymore .
I din even touch Starcraft 2 .
What exactly is a hobby that really free you of stress ?
May be I just don't have the mind set for anything at the moment.