Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gundam 00 - Awakening of the Trailblazer movie review

By now, there are plenty of reviews about this anime movie out there already.
Most people find the plot unsatisfying. Some even thought Gundam 00 series should have ended at season 2. In this movie, Setsuna barely killed a number of "evil" mechs and his dream gundam - 0000 Qan[t] is like what ??!! I was already quite displeased with Gundam 00 Qant's design,  and find it not worthy of successing 00 riser . But in the movie, Setsuna barely fire a single shot with 00 riser before it was torn apart ! Not the most satisfying plot I must say.
This is the first time a Gundam story is dealing with alien. Unfortunately this frontier has long been discovered by Macross, so it is not so much of a new concept. Shape shifting metallic lifeform which aims only to assimilate other lifeform (Star Trek - Borgs ; StarCraft - Zergs etc etc . . . boring ). Perhaps the revenge of Ribbon Almark's Ghost or even a Negative Veda system can be more interesting . But I suppose in making this movie . The plot suffers a very huge constraint.
I feel that this movie is made to sum up the grand vision of Aeolia Shenberg, the visionary whose theory formed the back bone of this series. At the end of season 2, his grand vision of human evolution via GN particle has been realised in Setsuna who has managed to become the first true Innovator.
So what is the purpose of achieving that ? World Peace ?
Go meet some aliens !
Nah, aliens just came knocking at our doorstep.
As Macross backbone story has stated , human technology revolution broke through when an Alien space ship came crashing into earth. So it seems meeting alien is key to our next evolution.
The ELS - Extraterrestrial Living Metal Shapeshifter came to meet earthlings from , er , Jupiter . Funny, seems they are teleporting in from other part of galaxy they could have choose to warp in nearer ?
Our beloved alien appears in funnels shaped metal shards which loves to fuse with anyone with heighten quatum brain wave. Worse is they don't talk and they have to take on the human shape of Ribbon Almark ?
No wonder our heroes are petrified.
I think that most people are pissed about the abrupt ending and worse of all it is not concise .
Atleast Neo gets to kick Agent Smith's ass before sacrificing himself to end the war .
Setsuna ? Happily teleported to ELS's homeworld with buddy Tiera Erde aka portable VEDA in his very very under use 00 Qan[t] and all is happily ever after . . .
It just make it seem that all those who sacrifice earlier is for fun ?
Well, what can I say ? Seems like movie has very tight time constraint that they could not bother to explain how well the life goes for everyone after ? Much like Lord of the Ring ?
I still don't quite understand why the movie name is dubbed 'Awakening of the Trailblazer' . Perhaps Trailblazer means the constant pursue by the ELS projectiles into one long line , zipping wherever the Gundam  went until they got blasted by huge laser beam ?
Though the movie soundtrack is not bad , I still rather in love with Yuna Ito's - Trust You ( Gundam 00 season 2 ending song ) Just a personal preference.

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